What is HCCA?
HCCA was formed in 1961 as an organization to provide a voice and vehicle for Howard County citizens to be heard by our elected and appointed representatives on issues that affect our lives. By bringing residents together to express views, take joint action, and encourage participation in County affairs, HCCA works for you, the citizens of Howard County. We are only as strong as the voices of our membership and citizen participants. It is through your participation, action, and input that we move forward.
Over the years HCCA has played a role in the formation of all Howard County General Plans including the original planning of Columbia. We have participated in the work of the past APFO Task Force, the 2000 County General Plan, and Plan Howard 2030. HCCA has active members working with the Columbia Association, with the Village Centers of Columbia, and with community groups across the County to ensure preservation of the quality of life throughout Howard County.
By testifying before County boards and elected officials, we strive to:
- Be a watchdog organization to ensure roads, schools and quality of life issues do not deteriorate because of poor planning.
- Work with communities as consultants and advocates regarding zoning issues.
- See to it that transparency and open government is prevalent in the County.
- Advocate for zoning regulations that are more quantitative, less subject to interpretation, and more inclusive of citizen input.
- Make certain that ‘Aging in Place’ concerns in the County are planned for and executed in a thoughtful manner.
- Ensure rural land is preserved in all areas of the County and that preservation statutes are enforced.
- Ensure that Columbia continues as a planned community with the different approach embodied in New Town Zoning.
Throughout the years and continuing today, HCCA has brought its members vital information to garner a greater understanding of the issues facing our county. Additionally, from time to time, HCCA works in coalition with other organizations on a given issue. Our activities help our members to make informed decisions for advocacy.