Brian England

Director – Brian Englan

I have lived in Columbia since 1973, I am an auto technician and in 1978 my wife and I opened an auto service and repair shop in Columbia. Our company won the Energy Star Award and environmental awards from the county and state.

I first became involved in development issues 15 years ago when I was selected to participate on the “Public Engagement in Land Use” task force. I have been involved in promoting health care reform, giving input from a small business point of view. I was on the “Health Information Exchange” policy board, “Health Care for All” board, “Healthy Howard” board and the “Local Health Implementation Plan” task force. Locally I joined the Hickory Ridge committee that developed a guide for future Hickory Ridge village center development.

As a HCCA board member I have focused on Columbia New Town issues, I worked with fellow board member JD Smith to publish a New Town report that looked at ways to keep Columbia a planned community. In 2017 I spearheaded the production of the HCCA movie Columbia at 50, a bridge to the future. More recently I served on the Columbia Association Board of Directors for a year as the representative for Hickory Ridge, this gave me insight into how this organization functions.

My focus now is on stormwater management, environmental and Columbia New Town issues.