HCCA Governance
Originally incorporated in the state of Maryland on the 17th of August, 1961, the HCCA follows a set of bylaws, policies, and procedures in order to ensure effectiveness in achieving our goals and objectives.
HCCA Bylaws
The HCCA is governed by a set of bylaws. The modification of the bylaws of the Howard County Citizens Association was approved at the membership meeting held the 24th of May, 2010, and was revised in July 2016, May 2021, April 2022, May 2023, January 2024, and March 2024.
The HCCA Board of Directors
The HCCA is led by a Board of Directors composed of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and five directors at large. The election of the Board of Directors is held in May, and the period of office is from the 1st of June through the 31st of May of the following year. The Board of Directors usually holds monthly meetings and issues minutes of those meetings.
The roles of the officers and directors are defined in the bylaws and summarized below.
- The President – Assumes general supervision of the affairs of the organization in consultation with the Board of Directors and presides at all Membership Meetings, Board of Directors Meetings and Annual Membership Meetings.
- The Vice President – Accepts the duties of the president when the president is not available. Other duties may be accepted as requested by the president.
- The Secretary – Maintains the records of the organization, including minutes of formal meetings.
- The Treasurer – Maintains the financial records of the organization, pays bills and determines the draft budget for the coming year, to be approved by the membership at the annual meeting.
- The Directors at Large – There are up to six directors at large who assume duties as defined by the president and the board at the formal meetings. Duties are generally accepted in areas of expertise and interest of the member.

by Ellicott City Artist, Alice Webb