In 2010, the Howard County Citizen’s Association released its 2010 survey of  candidates for County Executive and County Council concerning specific issues that it believes are important to Howard County voters.  Though the election is over, you may find this document useful in knowing where our county officials stand on the issues.

The results can be found at:

(Please Note: The responses require Microsoft Excel to view on your computer.)


President Cathy Hudson notes, “Our board spends many hours attending council and zoning board hearings and work sessions. We see things that would improve transparency or better protect the quality of life for county residents. In asking these questions, we not only wanted to know where they stood on these issues, but also whether they would be willing to pursue them. We want the citizens to know more about the thinking of the  candidates on these issues to help them make a better informed decision  at the polls.

For example, unlike Howard County, the Adequate  Public Facilities Ordinances (APFOs) of some counties place development on hold for more than 4 years where local schools are over capacity. The  survey asks if Howard County’s APFO should also ensure adequacy of major roads, public transportation, hospital emergency rooms, police protections, nursing homes and county water and sewer.

Another survey question asks if tax revenues attributable to development of downtown Columbia should be diverted by Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) into public parking garages to service private developers’ properties. Candidates are also questioned about revealing campaign contributions in more detail, and enforcing recommendations of the PELU task force which would make development information more available to the public. Allowing more public participation in government decision making is also presented as an issue.”